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Asher University is a research centered university. We uphold the highest standard practices in academic research.
Below is the general summary of our research methodology:

1. Introduction

Purpose: Briefly state the overall purpose of the research methodology section.

  • Example: This section outlines the research design, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques employed in this study to investigate [briefly state research topic].

Importance: Briefly explain why the chosen methodology is appropriate for the research question and objectives.

  • Example: The qualitative approach was chosen for this study because it allows for in-depth exploration of [specific aspect of research topic] and provides rich, nuanced data.

2. Research Design

  • Specify the research design: Clearly state the research design used (e.g., qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods).

    • Qualitative:
      • Examples: Case study, ethnography, grounded theory, phenomenology, discourse analysis.
    • Quantitative:
      • Examples: Experimental, survey, correlational, quasi-experimental.
    • Mixed Methods:
      • Examples: Sequential (qualitative followed by quantitative or vice versa), concurrent (qualitative and quantitative data collected simultaneously).
  • Justify the choice of design: Explain why this particular design is the most suitable for addressing the research questions and objectives.

    • Example: The case study design was chosen because it allows for an in-depth examination of a specific phenomenon within a particular context.

3. Data Collection Methods

  • Describe the data collection methods used:

    • Qualitative:
      • Examples: Interviews (semi-structured, unstructured), focus groups, observations (participant observation, non-participant observation), document analysis.
    • Quantitative:
      • Examples: Surveys (questionnaires), experiments, observations (structured observations), existing data analysis (secondary data).
    • Mixed Methods:
      • Examples: Combine methods from both qualitative and quantitative approaches.
  • Provide detailed information on each method:

    • Sampling:
      • Describe the sampling strategy (e.g., purposive, snowball, random).
      • Explain the criteria for selecting participants/data sources.
      • Justify the sample size.
    • Data collection procedures:
      • Outline the steps involved in collecting data (e.g., recruitment of participants, interview protocols, data collection instruments).
      • Address ethical considerations (e.g., informed consent, confidentiality, anonymity).

4. Data Analysis

  • Describe the data analysis procedures:

    • Qualitative:
      • Examples:
        • Thematic analysis: Identifying, analyzing, and interpreting patterns across data sets.
        • Grounded theory: Developing theories inductively from data.
        • Narrative analysis: Examining stories and experiences.
    • Quantitative:
      • Examples:
        • Descriptive statistics (e.g., mean, median, mode, standard deviation).
        • Inferential statistics (e.g., t-tests, ANOVA, regression analysis).
    • Mixed Methods:
      • Examples:
        • Combining qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques.
  • Explain how the data analysis will address the research questions and objectives.

    • Example: Thematic analysis will be used to identify key themes and patterns in interview data, which will then be used to answer the research question: “What are the experiences of students with online learning?”

5. Research Validity and Reliability

  • Address the validity and reliability of the research:
    • Qualitative:
      • Validity:
        • Credibility (trustworthiness of findings):
          • Member checks: Sharing findings with participants for feedback.
          • Peer debriefing: Discussing findings with other researchers.
          • Transferability (applicability of findings to other contexts):
            • Thick description: Providing detailed accounts of the research context.
        • Dependability (consistency of findings over time):
          • Audit trail: Documenting all research decisions and procedures
  •                           Reliability:
            • Inter-rater reliability:
              • Multiple researchers independently analyze data and compare findings.
    • Quantitative:
      • Validity:
        • Internal validity (whether the study measures what it intends to measure).
        • External validity (generalizability of findings to other populations).
      • Reliability:
        • Test-retest reliability (consistency of results over time).
        • Inter-rater reliability (agreement between different raters).

6. Ethical Considerations

  • Reiterate ethical considerations:
    • Informed consent:
      • Participants must be fully informed about the research and provide voluntary consent.
    • Confidentiality:
      • Participant data must be kept confidential and protected from unauthorized access.
    • Anonymity:
      • Participant identities should be kept anonymous whenever possible.
    • Data security:
      • Data must be stored securely and protected from unauthorized access or loss.

7. Limitations

  • Acknowledge limitations of the study:
    • Example:
      • Small sample size may limit the generalizability of findings.
      • Time constraints may have limited the depth of data collection.
      • Researcher bias may have influenced data collection and analysis.

8. Conclusion

  • Summarize the key aspects of the research methodology.
  • Reiterate the rationale for the chosen methods.
  • Briefly state how the methodology will contribute to the overall research project.

Note: This is a general framework.

  • The specific details of the research methodology will vary depending on the nature of the research project.
  • Students should consult with their supervisors and refer to relevant academic guidelines for specific instructions and requirements.


About Asher University

Asher University is an accredited distance learning university duly registered with the Curaçao Chamber of Commerce, operates under the Governor’s university charter with Charter Number 16/2656 dated September 25, 2016 and accredited by the International Association for Quality Assurance in Pre-Tertiary and Higher Education (QAHE).

We offer Diploma, Bachelor, Master and Doctorate Degree programs online.

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Marshe Nobo (P) 8 B, Willemstad, Curacao.


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